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Practicing Yoga

 I'd love for you to join me.


Nothing is more powerful than connecting and sharing insights with other women.


And illuminating the true essence of being. 

Flexibility is the key to movement and being proactive on the effects of ageing. 

Experience joint integrity, strength, cardiovascular fitness, and balance. Each of these elements relies upon the viability of the other, and they all require flexibility. 


This "work" isn't just about doing exercises; it's about re-addressing and bringing back ultimate physical and mental juiciness and well-being.


By starting your physical communication, you get to the basis of the intelligence of your cells.






To open your cells, yourself, and your spine and to soften and melt into it all, you allow your blood to flow powerfully through your veins into your muscles and your connective tissues.


Ultimately Mind Body and Spirit are optimally supplied with life source CO2 giving your body the royal boost it needs, to be flexible and to function healthily.


Expect to move, work, and exercise freely, activate a quality lasting lifestyle, and enjoy optimal mental functioning.


The Fem Flex Trajectory- a juicy life with a juicy body.


What are you looking to Resolve and Achieve:


Body Flexibility:


Addressing where you are stuck in your body


Connective tissue & Trigger Point release.


Spinal Awakenings Fundamentals


Guidance and Support


Nutrition and Lifestyle


We will be going deeper into our Feminine Energy.


Reconnecting deep physical trust.


Regaining physical confidence.


Benefits :


Energetic trauma release


Spinal alignment




Weight loss


Relieve pain


All the above

Mind/Body/Spirit FeM FleX

Starts here.


Health & Beauty inside out.

Daily Flexibility and Energetic Exercises For Women 

This is a commitment starting from two month group support:


For and with women only.


Three to four Pain Release treatments

Flexibility and Connective Tissue Release

exercises live twice a week.

Can't attend the lives.

Recordings will be shared.


Home study exercises.

Additional bonuses.





  • FeMFleX a juicy body a juicy life

    Energetic pain release and flexibility exercises
    Valid for 2 months
    • Twice a week, Live Q&A, weekly support.
    • Mind,Body, Spirit, Soul and Physical Flexibility
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